Dave Ramsey Entrepreneurship

Avoid the Set-it-and-Forget-it Mindset

Avoid the Set-it-and-Forget-it Mindset

My team doesn’t play games when it comes to goals. We set goals in our personal and professional lives. I’m not talking about just hoping for good things. I’m talking about serious planning for measurable, specific achievement. And planning is a vital part of the goal-reaching process, because one of the keys to turning goals into reality is avoiding the set-it-and-forget-it mindset.

We all get caught up in the day-to-day aspects of life and business from time to time, and it’s easy to let things slide if they aren’t going to immediately impact our families or our physical or financial well-being. But you have to plan and look toward the future to get a handle on the big picture. In addition to planning for progress, you need to spend some time thinking about how you’ll stay focused throughout the year.

Are you the type of person who thinks it would be a good idea to revisit your goals on a weekly or monthly basis in order to evaluate your progress? If so, plan to do just that. Schedule a reminder on your phone or computer. Is being held accountable by another human being more your style? Make plans to regularly meet a co-worker or friend who’s equally as serious about achieving their goals.

But remember: Work on one goal at a time. Multitasking is a big, impressive-sounding word, but trying to address several different issues at once can actually end up being overwhelming. Focus on one goal, and bring all your ideas, energy and determination to the table. Once you reach that first goal, you’ll be motivated to take on other new challenges.

Have a happy, blessed and successful 2023!

Read other business articles by Dave Ramsey